Therapies Explained
Angel Therapy is one of the most beautiful energy therapies you can receive. You are enveloped in the pure unconditional love-light energy of the angelic beings. Each angel and Archangel carries individual healing energy to help heal the individual of exactly what is blocking their progress on earth, whether it be physical, mental, or spiritual. Angels are assigned by God to work with humans to assist them in any way possible on their journey on earth. To protect, heal and give assistance such as signs. When you are receiving Angel Therapy it may be for help with a pain you are having in your body, or a problem you are having within a relationship, or even just to enhance your spiritual connection with them. There is nothing your angels cant help assist you with, they love you unconditionally. They do not judge and will go above and beyond if you ask them for their help. Your Angel Therapist will be the facilitator in this connection by bringing in their energy as you relax and snuggle under warm blankets and enjoy the hands-on angelic healing therapy, by using crystals, sound, and essential oils. Each session is 60mins and includes a short angel reading.
Angel Readings are safe and helpful to receive when you need answers about your life purpose and what path you should consider taking. We all have moments where we just feel overwhelmed, confused, and stuck and we have no idea what steps to take to get us on to the new chapter of our lives. Whether it be romance, relationships, career, or something that even you don't know, but is bothering you, your angels can help put you on the right path by offering guidance through the cards. There is nothing to fear when you are working through the angels because they only offer advice for your highest good. They are never negative, but if they feel you need to hear some home truths they will let you know, but only to improve your situation for your highest good. I myself would have been lost without the guidance of my angels. They bring me strength and encouragement whenever I need it most. Angels are here to help us all and all they need is for you to ask. Angel Readings can be done in person, video call, or by email. For more information please get in touch.
Crystals hold very powerful energy that has been used for millions of years for healing and the creation of technology. Crystals are formed naturally within Mother Earth. The use of crystal healing is a holistic, non-invasive, vibrational energy-based system of healing. The technique uses precisely placed crystals either on or around the physical body. The recipient can experience a deep state of tranquillity while allowing the energy of the crystals to absorb, focus, direct, detoxify, shift and diffuse energy as they interact with the electromagnetic forces and subtle vibrations within the subtle human or environmental energy field. Crystals help heal the illness or pain which is the dis-ease in the body, the final manifestation of spiritual,
environmental, physiological, emotional, mental, karmic, or ancestral imbalance or distress and bring mind, body, spirit, and environment back into harmony, restoring the body’s natural rhythm and equilibrium.
You have 7 major chakras along your spine that are energy centres found in your etheric body that distributes life force energy throughout your physical as well as your subtle bodies. They each have a specific colour and each focuses on certain parts of your body. These centres are ever-evolving just as you are. When your chakras are blocked, imbalanced or out of alignment your energy flow is obstructed which can lead to physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual dis-ease. Chakra Healing is a way to clear the blockages that may have occurred in your chakras, balance and re-align them to bring your body and life back into the flow and vibrant health. It is highly important to take care of your chakras as they are responsible for the way your mind, body and soul feels in response to life's ups and downs and certainly physically. If your chakras are happy, then there is a great chance that you are too. As well as hands-on healing, I use crystals, colour and sound therapy during a session. All you have to do is relax. This can also be done at a distance by the use of receiving a clients photo and via video meeting. For more info just contact me.
We all have a physical body, but when we pass over our soul stays eternal. You have had many experiences through many lifetimes. Some people recall their previous lifetimes, they’re simultaneously able to heal negative patterns and health conditions that are rooted in the past. At a soul level, you retain all of the information, lessons, and memories that you’ve gathered. In many ways, you grow stronger and wiser with each lifetime. You can also incarnate with the same people like your mother could have been your sister, or your father may have been your husband. You come back together because you love them and also want to heal any hurts. The reason you’re back together could be due to a strong soul connection or an eternal love, or because there’s unfinished business and this is usually in the form of unforgiveness. We call this a karmic imbalance. You come back together with the purpose of releasing old anger. The karma is balanced when you can feel compassion for the other person’s soul journey. Remember that the whole point of past-life work is to heal ourselves from old fears or anger so that we can enjoy this lifetime. We learn from the past, and then we let it go. I do not use hypnotherapy, but much like guided meditation. You are in complete control during your session. I would say never come with huge expectations, but do come with an open mind. Healing will occur no matter what happens. Sessions are roughly 60mins.
Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) was created by Steven Thayer Therapy, certified Reiki Master, author of the book an Interview with an Angel and a channel for Angel Ariel. IET is a safe, gentle, nurturing way to empower and balance your life by helping you release patterns of the past for good. Feelings and sensations are stored in the cells of the body much like facts are stored in the cells of the brain. Negative or traumatic experiences, stress, unexpressed emotion, fear, anger, resentment, or self-limiting beliefs can become “stuck” (or suppressed) in the body and inhibit or disrupt the flow of vital life force at a cellular level. These energy blockages limit our experience of life and can result in a lack of spontaneity, energy depletion, a feeling of unrest, agitation, or dis-ease.
IET uses a unique Cellular Memory Map to target specific areas in the body where these “cellular memories” are stored, helping to release them on all levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. As these blocks are cleared, the suppressed charge of energy dissipates, and your energy field is re-balanced. The more your energy body opens, and vital life force can flow freely through it, the closer you move to a natural state of being - pure joy.
Reiki & Seichem Therapy is a hands-on natural healing therapy using the universal life force energy. The term comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” which means vital life force energy that flows through all living things. Reiki, an abundant, gentle spiritual energy. Reiki breaks down energy blocks and balances the mind, body, and Soul. Regular Reiki treatments promote the consistent and unlocked flow of energy throughout the body. This allows people to feel less stress, enhances learning and memory, promotes mental clarity, and physical healing/ less physical pain. Reiki offers healing on every level and can heal anything that is ready to be healed. When I am working on my client, I place my hands on certain areas of the body including the chakra points, and allow the energy to flow to where it needs to go. I don't need to know what needs healing, but the divine energy is clever and goes to where it is needed. I am not the healer, I am just the channel or facilitator of the divine source energy of the universe which is God. The client is fully clothed and covered with cozy blankets throughout the session. I use crystals and sound during a session. Sessions are Approx. 60mins.
Angel meditation helps you to connect with your guardian angel. During a guided angel meditation you will be brought on a beautiful journey to your inner sanctuary where you will be introduced to your guardian angel. From there your angel will bring you to meet other angels and Archangels, where you may receive healings and inspirations about your life. I have seen so many of my clients' lives transformed by doing angel-guided meditation. Each person's journey is different and the meditation can be scripted to suit my client's reason for choosing to go on this journey. Some are known to meet past family members or receive gifts that bring tremendous healing to their life. When you practice angel meditation, you can enter a state of complete relaxation and calmness. You will have the chance to enjoy the peace and serenity of the moment. You can do this therapy either in person or on a video call. For more info please contact me. Sessions are Approx. 40min. Also available for group bookings.
Tarot card reading can help by offering profound insights about your past and present that can clarify your thought process. You can get a new perspective of life and understand why certain things happened to you in the past and how these can shape your future. card reading can help by offering profound insights about your past and present that can clarify your thought process. You can get a new perspective of life and understand why certain things happened to you in the past and how these can shape your future. Tarot readings are tools to help guide and navigate you on your positive life path. Tarot gives you the information on how to better your life, how to avoid negative experiences and what to look out for. It is important to remember that you are the creator of your destiny and you alone and the cards are just guides to help you, but never to confirm your destiny. The work must come from you and your willingness to change your situations by using positive affirmations and your belief in your higher-self. Tarot is a positive experience with the right reader.
My tarot readings are available in person, over zoom or a recorded video message. Just let me know when you purchase your reading. They are roughly 45 mins long depending on which way you choose. Shorter if not in person or by zoom.