Reiki Master, IET Master, Certified Crystal Therapist, Certified Angel Therapist, Certified Angel Reader, Certified Aromatherapist, Certified Past Life Healer, Certified Laughter Yoga Therapist.
Member of the International Association of Therapists.
I hope you are enjoying the peace and healing of my website. I just want to share a little bit about myself and how I became an energy therapist. As a child, I was very open to energies around me and I would often hear and feel spirit around me. For me, this was not a pleasant experience as I found it quite upsetting and frightening. But even so, the spirit world fascinated me. As I grew into my early teens my sensitivity was still very strong, so I closed down these energies myself as they were getting far too intense. Unfortunately, unlike today there was no one to go to, to seek advice or explain my experiences to, but luckily I was very protected by my angels as I later figured out in my adult years. Children are so sensitive to spirit from birth to the age of around 12. And some of these kids are misunderstood and labeled. I believe we are all here for a very important reason and it is to help the world move into a new vibration. We have been here many times and have had to learn many lessons and for one I feel this is the most important life for us all.
So as time moved on and I went on about my life, I put my hand to many different jobs, but nothing grabbed me much. I loved children and attended childcare college while I worked as a childminder in Dublin. One of my biggest desires was to become a mum and I fulfilled my desire twice to a wonderful son and daughter whom I'm very proud of. They became my main focus and it was while they were young I found my love of angels and I became very interested in them. I resonated with their energy and recognized their mission. I remember reading, that before we come back to earth, we are sitting up on our heavenly plain chilling out having a wonderful time when suddenly we get a tap on the shoulder and an angel stands there and tells us that it is time now to go back to earth as there are jobs to do and more lessons to learn. I know what face I would have pulled being told that and it wouldn't have been pretty. So in my early twenties, I became a mum and began my earthly journey in learning about spirituality, angels, energy, and most importantly myself. I have never resonated so much before with anything else except working with energy and being a mother to my children. I must add I also have a very supportive partner who has put up with my very unusual passion and life choices and gave me my two beautiful growing up far too fast earth angels. I started my career as an Angel and Reiki practitioner in 2008 and I have not looked back since. I continued to study Integrated Energy Therapy, Crystal Healing, Past Life Therapy, and Aromatherapy. I started my holistic practice in 2010 and have met some wonderful people along the way. I have been very blessed so far in my life and my angels have only added to the magical experiences and I want everyone to know that they have so much support available to them. I hope you know you too have been touched by an angel in your life, especially when you have needed it most and if you have not realized I hope you will now. Much Love and Joy
Lisa Marie xxx

My mission is to support and educate anyone who chooses to learn about improving their life with energy healing and spirituality. My vision is to be the person I wish to see in the world and always be open to learning from others. I want to live in a world where freedom and respect are natural and we respect the planet we live upon. We have every single tool needed to live here on mother earth to nourish us, heal us, and bring us pure joy and peace. If we could just work together and share our gifts and talents, and I don't mean the ones you were taught in school, I mean the ones you were born with, your gifts from God.